Major Accidents Ordinance
Information according to the Federal Immission Control Act
for our neighbors and the public
The gas caverns, which are operated with the help of the technical equipment of various gas plants in the Etzel cavern facility, are subject to the regulations of the Federal Immission Control (12th BImSchV). Information in accordance with §§ 8a and 11 of the Major Accidents Ordinance can be found below.
We have summarized some important information and rules of conduct in a leaflet for our neighbors in the immediate vicinity. The leaflet is available below as a pdf document.
The last on-site inspection by the supervisory authority, the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Clausthal-Zellerfeld, took place on the following date:
- 05/23/2023
Further information can be obtained from the competent authority.
Information according to the Major Accidents Ordinance
What is an incident?
Despite all safety measures and technical precautions, short-term operational disturbances, such as increased flare flames or temporary odor and noise pollution, can occur during ongoing operation of a natural gas storage facility.
An operational disturbance only becomes an incident if it results in a serious risk to the health and life of people, damage to the environment or to cultural and material assets.
An incident would be, for example, the spread of a flammable natural gas cloud. Due to the safety technology installed, incidents are very unlikely, but nevertheless cannot be ruled out.

Etzel cavern plant
Street: Beim Postweg 2
City/Location: 26446 Friedeburg
Phone: 04465-8090
Fax: 04465-8180
Write an Email
Further information is given by the
Operations Manager
Mr. Christoph Uerlich
phone: 04465-809181
or by the
Incident Officer
Mr. Kurt-Jürgen Grabert
Phone: 04465-809183
The gas caverns at the Etzel cavern facility are subject to the provisions of the Major Accidents Ordinance.
The required information and documentation have been submitted to the responsible supervisory authority, the State Office for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG). Information on the last on-site inspection by the supervisory authority can be found on the company homepage.
Natural gas storage facilities are mainly used to cover peak loads in the natural gas supply and to balance the different summer/winter demand. For this purpose, the natural gas is stored in underground cavities (salt caverns) and withdrawn as required.
Although all necessary safety precautions have been taken, the escape of natural gas through leakage cannot be ruled out with absolute certainty due to the existing pressure conditions. The table lists the properties of natural gas.
A possible hazard to people in the immediate vicinity of the natural gas storage facility (natural gas cavern sites) may result from the escape of larger quantities of gas and the spread of an ignitable or possibly burning gas cloud.
In the event of an incident, the control center of the Wittmund district and the LBEG are informed according to a predefined plan. The local fire departments and other rescue forces are then deployed via the control center. In addition, the responsible authorities of the district and the municipality of Friedeburg are called in. The affected neighborhood is warned and informed about the hazardous situation. If necessary, the emergency forces visit the affected persons personally.
Please observe the "Rules of conduct in the event of an incident", which can be found in this information sheet.
STORAG ETZEL GmbH has taken all necessary safety measures for the Etzel cavern facility to prevent an incident. These have been recorded in writing and checked by the responsible authorities. The technical installations are monitored by the specialist staff of the cavern facility. The local fire departments are familiar with the facilities and can intervene immediately in accordance with the existing plans.
In the event of an incident and thus the application of alarm and hazard prevention plans of the responsible authorities, we ask you to follow all instructions of the emergency services without fail.
We are convinced that we have taken all conceivable precautions to avoid an incident. Nevertheless, we also know that there is always a residual risk. In such a case, our precautionary measures will avert possible damage to our employees and the neighbors living in the vicinity of our operating facilities.
We will continue to do everything we can to ensure the safety of our operations on an ongoing basis and to implement improvement opportunities for the integrity of our systems on an ongoing basis.
Download leaflet (german)
Rules of conduct in the event of an incident
The fire department and police, as well as their official representatives, will provide information about required rules of conduct through loudspeakers. Please be sure to follow the instructions given.
Notifications of an incident, rules of conduct and all-clear warnings are also announced, if necessary, by the regional radio stations.

To ensure that you can be reached if necessary, please only use the telephone in an emergency; the fire department, police and other agencies need every telephone line to initiate assistance and rescue measures.
Escaped gas and smoke move with the wind direction. Move away from the danger area as quickly as possible across the wind. Do not remain in the danger area!
If possible, leave the rescue of injured persons to the rescue services, as attempts at rescue without the appropriate equipment may endanger life. Notify rescue services, in special cases when rapid or immediate intervention is required, rescue with due regard for self-protection.
There they are under supervision and cannot react wrongly through ignorance.
Enclosed buildings provide better protection than being outdoors.
Seal door sills with wet cloths to minimize outside air from entering.
Turn off the ventilation or air conditioning. Take this into account even when you are in the car!
Natural gas is lighter than air. Therefore, lower rooms are generally safer. However, choose a room that does not have a heating system or fireplace hearth, as these hearths usually have an outside air intake. Turn off air conditioning and/or ventilation systems.
Important phone numbers

Phone number in case of emergency and breakdown:
Citizen's Phone:
04465-977 93 39